Q & A

What does the program include?

The Educators' Program gives educators full access to Lingokids materials: slides, unlimited access to the app, printables, etc. Go to Materials or to our Sign Up Page for more details.

What are the conditions?

The program is 100% free. The only requirements are to be actively working as an English teacher of children between two and eight years old and use our content at least once a month. There are no commitments. If you start the program and later stop meeting the requirements, you will simply lose access to the materials, nothing else - no hidden charges or other consequences.

What's the catch?

There is no catch. The purpose of this program is twofold:

  1. To receive educators' feedback. We are interested to see if our materials can help educators in their classes. With your valuable feedback, we can improve our product to better families in the future.
  2. To give back. We want to use the funds given to us by the EU and the Government of Spain to support educators. Our interactive resources can complement their official English curriculums from renowned publishers. We highly recommend using Oxford University Press books as the core element of the course. In this link you can find the catalogue of their titles for preschool levels.


We love answering your questions and listening to your feedback, so you can contact us through the following channels:

  1. Take a look at our FAQs for general information about our app
  2. Talk to us and other educators in our private Facebook Group
  3. Email us at schools@lingokids.com