9. Big and Little


Big and little, old and new, light and dark! Opposites are very different from each other. Do you know the opposite of "clean"?


Vocabulary: big, little, dark, light, dirty, clean, old, new, small, hats

Level 1

Lesson Slides

Lesson 9 - Big and Little (Opposites) - Level 1

Lesson Plan

Lesson 9 - Big and Little (Opposites) - Level 1 - Lesson Plan

Level 2

Lesson Slides

Lesson 9 - Big and Little (Opposites) - Level 2

Lesson Plan

Lesson 9 - Big and Little (Opposites) - Level 2 - Lesson Plan

Level 3

Lesson Slides

Lesson 9 - Big and Little (Opposites) - Level 3

Lesson Plan

Lesson 9 - Big and Little (Opposites) - Level 3

Additional Materials


Quick guide

Lesson 9 - Big and Little (Opposites) - Parent's Guide


Lesson 9 - Big and Little (Opposites) - Printable