6. Colors


Colors make the world beautiful and bright! Let's look at all the colors of the rainbow. What is your favorite color?


blue, green, red, yellow, pink, orange, purple, brown, black, white, gray

Level 1

Lesson Slides

Lesson 6 - Colors - Level 1

Lesson Plan

Lesson 6 - Colors - Level 1 - Lesson Plan

Level 2

Lesson Slides

Lesson 6 - Colors - Level 2

Lesson Plan

Lesson 6 - Colors - Level 2 - Lesson Plan

Level 3

Lesson Slides

Lesson 6 - Colors - Level 3

Lesson Plan

Lesson 6 - Colors - Level 3 - Lesson Plan

Additional Materials


Quick Guide

Lesson 6 - Colors - Parent's Guide

Printables 1

Lesson 6 - Colors - Printable 2

Printables 2

Lesson 6 - Colors - Printable 1


Lesson 6 - Colors - Flashcards.pdf